We are committed to Changes That Matter

Our mission—our sole purpose—is to support leaders whose organizations are dedicated to advancing the quality of the human experience but who find themselves having to pursue major internal transformations beyond their capacity to successfully execute.

Our clients are primarily non-profits, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and other institutions that provide critical services to or on behalf of some of the world’s most vulnerable populations. Their causes vary—from the elimination of extreme poverty to the protection of children in conflict zones, from responding quickly to the victims of natural or man-made disasters to influencing government policies on human rights and the environment. We call these changes that matter.

Despite massive progress over the past few decades, this work has never been more important than it is today. However, these organizations are working against a backdrop of unprecedented turmoil and disruption in the world that threatens their ability to remain viable, relevant and impactful.

These external pressures have created the need for many of these organizations to adapt and transform themselves in order to fulfill their missions. That’s where we come in.

We help leaders, their teams and their boards implement these critical internal changes so that they are able to deliver on their promises.

Together, we are pursuing changes that matter.

Who we are

Daryl Conner

We are Daryl Conner and Ed Boswell. We each spent decades helping leaders in both the public and private sectors around the globe execute their most critical strategies and transformational changes.

In 2014, we responded to a more urgent calling and founded Conner Advisory.

Through Conner Advisory, our singular purpose is to lend our experience to serve leaders of organizations dedicated to pursuing changes that matter—the changes that make a positive and lasting impact on the quality of the human experience.

Read more about our methodical approach to executing transformational changes in our research and insights.

Ed Boswell

Who we serve

INGOs | Alliances / Partners | Local Nonprofits | School Districts

Our research and insights

We are constantly learning as we work with our clients. Our 40+ years of experience in the execution of large-scale change with organizations across multiple sectors around the globe have allowed us to capture deep insights into the specific challenges leaders face in disruptive environments.

Since its creation in 2014, Conner Advisory has focused intensively on helping clients in the civil society sector, primarily INGOs. Our latest research combines insights from our prior work in the public and private sectors with these experiences supporting leaders who are pursuing changes that matter.

How Committment
Senior Leader Commitment to
Organizational Change
Managing Intent: Delivering on
Promises and Achieving Full Realization

How we serve

We partner with senior leaders of non-profits, NGOs, and other civil society organizations to execute the internal shifts they have identified as essential to delivering changes that matter. 

We walk side by side with these leaders, their teams, and their boards to make the changes necessary for their organization to move forward with the greatest impact.

We help them

  • learn how change unfolds in organization and what fosters or inhibits its success
  • diagnose key implementation risks and identify needed mitigations
  • develop roadmaps for reaching full realization
  • prepare for their roles in leading their organization’s change efforts

How can we help you?

How can we help?

To learn more about Conner Advisory, or to explore how we might support you in executing a change that matters, please send an email to Info@ConnerAdvisory.com. Thank you.